Who we are


Zion Baptist Church was formed in 1796 by a group of Christian believers in Bedworth who desired to faithfully follow the Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings, using the Bible as the sole authority in all matters of their faith and service.

For many years the church met in a building in the town centre but in 1977 with the regeneration of the town the original chapel was compulsorily purchased and we moved to our home on Newdigate road.

Why Zion?

As you may have noticed many Church of England churches are named after saints, it has historically been common for Baptist Churches to be named after places that appear in the Bible.

Zion is the name of the hill upon which the Old Testament temple was built. It was the place where those who worshipped God came together, and the place God had declared He would bless those who were faithful to Him in a unique way.

The name reminds us of the importance of gathering together for worship, of seeking together God’s blessing and of the need for us to remain faithful to Him and His Word, the Bible if we are to enjoy those blessings.

“Sing praises to the LORD, who dwells in Zion!
Declare His deeds among the people”

(Psalm 9 verse 11)

Why Baptist?

This is an anglicised Greek word meaning “immersion”. As a Church we practice the Biblical command and example given by the Lord Jesus Christ to be baptised.

Baptism involves a professing believer being fully immersed in water as a proclamation of their desire to faithfully follow the Lord Jesus Christ and as a picture of their dying to their old way of life, as they go down under the water and their resurrection to a new life in His service, as they come up out of the water.

Following the teaching of the Lord Jesus we baptise only those who have repented of their sins to Christ and been granted forgiveness of their sins by Christ. Those seeking baptism are required in the language of the Bible “to give a reason for the hope that is them.”

Because baptism is a command to all believers it is a necessary pre-requisite for any who wish to join the church.

”Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”

(Matthew chapter 28 verse 19)

Why Church?

The word means an assembly or congregation. More specifically in the Bible it refers to those who have been given by God the Father to His Son, for whom God the Son, in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ died for and to whom God the Holy Spirit has convicted of sin and given the gift of faith, that they trust and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

We meet together

  • To worship God for all He has done, is doing and has promised to do
  • To proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to others through preaching and witnessing
  • For mutual encouragement and support through prayer and fellowship
  • For instruction and teaching through Bible study and preaching

“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some,
but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”

(Hebrews chapter 10 verse 25)

Should you have any questions on the above or would like to know more about the Christian faith or us as a church, please feel free to contact us.