Sunday Worship Services

We meet every Lord’s day, both morning and evening to worship God.

The services are simple and consist of:

      • Praising God through the singing of hymns and songs.

      • Corporate Prayer.

      • Listening to God’s Word as the Bible is read.

      • Preaching – listening to the Bible’s teaching and it’s application to our lives.

The services last about 1 hour. We provide Bibles for you to use and we use a projection system for our singing of a variety of different hymns and songs.

All ages are welcome to stay in the main church hall throughout our corporate worship services.

We do not provide a creche. However the services are streamed to a screen in our upstairs hall should you need to use the facility for young children etc.

Morning service – 10.45am

Evening service – 6pm

Tea, Coffee, and biscuits are served following our morning service in the foyer. Please do stay if you are able so that we can get to know you better and provide you with further information about the church and it’s ministry.


The Lord’s supper is observed regularly with details given during the Sunday services: we welcome all to the table who have been baptised by immersion, and are walking consistently in the faith.

We don’t collect any money during our services, but an opportunity to give to the Lord is provided through an offering box at the rear of the church. For more information as regards gift aid etc. Please speak to a church officer.