Sunday services

Sunday worship services

They are simple and consist of:

  • Singing hymns
  • Prayer
  • Bible reading
  • Preaching – explaining and applying the Bible’s teaching

The services last about 1 hour. We provide Bibles and hymn books for you to use. We don’t collect any money during our services.

All ages are welcome to stay in for the whole service, but there is a room with audio relayed which you can take young children to if you want.

Morning service – 10.45am

Prayer meeting 5:15pm

We meet for prayer prior to the evening service, all are most welcome.

Evening service – 6pm

There are light refreshments and an opportunity for a chat afterwards.


The Lord’s supper is observed regularly with details given during the Sunday services: we welcome all to the table who have been baptised by immersion, and are walking consistently in the faith.